
Our Miscellaneous products include Shagbark Hickory bark for smoking/grilling, popcorn, trail mix, and more.

22 products

Aged Hot Sauce

Aged Hot Sauce

It is a Roman Sambal style Hot Sauce that is produced in stages with each of the two stages allowing the ingredients to ferment together.


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American Black Elderberry Cuttings

American Black Elderberry Cuttings

Our cuttings from wild American Black Elderberry allow you to grow this native medicinal bush.


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Bee Balm Tincture

Bee Balm Tincture

This tincture has been made with Bee Balm.


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Eastern Redcedar Tincture

Eastern Redcedar Tincture

This tincture has been made with Eastern Redcedar.


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Fire Cider

Fire Cider

This Fire Cider has been fermented for over 7 months in a gallon glass jar.


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Ginger-Cinnamon-Elderberry Syrup

Ginger-Cinnamon-Elderberry Syrup

This syrup contains American Black Elderberry.


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Immune Boosting Tincture

Immune Boosting Tincture

This tincture has been made with various herbs.


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Infection Fighting Tincture

Infection Fighting Tincture

This tincture has been made with various herbs.


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Lip Balm

Lip Balm

This lip balm contains only two ingredients and is in a glass jar.


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Longevity & Memory Tincture

Longevity & Memory Tincture

This tincture has been made with various herbs.


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Memory Tincture

Memory Tincture

This tincture has been made with Gingko and other herbs.


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Mild Hot Sauce

Mild Hot Sauce

It is a Roman Sambal style mild Hot Sauce that is produced in stages with each of the two stages allowing the ingredients to ferment together.


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Our Popcorn is a whole grain snack that contains protective antioxidants.


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Queen Anne’s Lace Tincture

Queen Anne’s Lace Tincture

This tincture has been made with Queen Anne’s Lace.


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Rebuild & Strengthen Sex Glands Tincture

Rebuild & Strengthen Sex Glands Tincture

This tincture has been made with various herbs.


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Red & Green Cabbage Sauerkraut

Red & Green Cabbage Sauerkraut

Our Red & Green Cabbage Sauerkraut has been fermented for over three months.


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Shagbark Hickory Bark

Shagbark Hickory Bark

Shagbark Hickory bark gives your meat, vegetables, and other products the flavor of "smoked hickory" when you grill or smoke your food with it.


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Stinging Nettle Tincture

Stinging Nettle Tincture

This tincture has been made with Stinging Nettle.


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Tooth Powder

Tooth Powder

This is a blend of spices.


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Trail Mix

Trail Mix

Our Trail Mix is a perfect snack in the morning, afternoon, or evening.


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Virginia Mountain Mint Tincture

Virginia Mountain Mint Tincture

This tincture has been made with Virginia Mountain Mint.


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Wood Spiles

Wood Spiles

Our Wood Spiles are made of wild American Black Elderberry and/or river cane.


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* Prices are subject to change without notice.