Obiora Embry’s Blog - Page 1 of 25

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Sunday, 7 July 2024 by Obiora Embry

Greenville, KY

Harvested wild Blackberries and froze. Cut back unwanted vegetation around my babies in the southern brush pile. Showed Irucka the S...
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Saturday, 6 July 2024 by Obiora Embry

Greenville, KY

Looked for the Nootka Rose Garlic to harvest but did not find any. Cut back most vegetation in the northern brush pile and then sowed Pennsyl...
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Sunday, 9 June 2024 by Obiora Embry

Greenville, KY

Diluted Equisetum Hyemale 6C Homeopathic Remedy in about 25 gallons of Spring Water. Irucka and I sprayed our two acres (in the rain) with the hopes ...
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Saturday, 8 June 2024 by Obiora Embry

Greenville, KY

Checked on our babies. Did not see any growth from the Seeds that I put in last month! Added fermented Herbal tea to the northern brush pile...
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Sunday, 19 May 2024 by Obiora Embry

Greenville, KY

Smudged the perimeter of our two acres and some of the waterways adjacent to and that run through it. Diluted Horsetail (Equisetem Hyemale) 1...
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Saturday, 18 May 2024 by Obiora Embry

Greenville, KY

Took photographs for the 2025 calendar. Weed eated around the Red Pontiac Potatoes, the Blueberries, and the growing food area of the norther...
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Friday, 17 May 2024 by Obiora Embry

Greenville, KY

Checked on our Babies. Planted Flowering Plum East of the northern brush pile along the forest edge, the PawPaws in the moist area North of t...
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Tuesday, 9 April 2024 by Obiora Embry

Greenville, KY

Took photographs for the 2025 calendar. Put food scraps near where I transplanted the Potatoes. Checked on the recent transplants an...
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Sunday, 31 March 2024 by Obiora Embry

Greenville, KY

Transplanted Red Pontiac Potatoes near the Rattlesnake Master. Broadcasted Brown Flax seeds and Anaheim Hot Pepper with the Potatoes. Added ...