Obiora Embry’s Blog ‐ Sunday, 9 June 2019

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Sunday, 9 June 2019 by Obiora Embry

Greenville, KY

Took photographs of trees that will be sold in 2019. Looked at the wild blackberries but none are ready to be harvested yet. Went into the southern forest and cut back the Japanese Honeysuckle and found about seven Shagbark Hickory trees. I did not see any flowers on the Hickory trees and do not know when they typically flower or produce fruit. It appears that possibly some sort of fungal disease is affecting the Boneset plants. It is affecting other plants too. I see that the wild Elderberries are flowering and so is one of the Sumac varieties, possibly Smooth Sumac?!

Transplanted three wild Red Mulberries on the northern end of the northern brush pile. In the red saw dust I planted Bubba Blue Ginger, Hawaiian Red Turmeric, and Indira Yellow Turmeric. I cleared away a space not far from it and sowed Bloody Butcher Corn, Black Amber Cane Sorghum, Luffa, and Grapefruit (?) seeds.

I took a cutting of a wild pink rose from the northern area that is hydric and transplanted it near the southern brush pile. I saw the Black Locust and it has really leafed out. The Black Walnuts have no leaves and may and may not survive. I will need to move the trees growing in the path of the power lines in the Fall. I hope to harvest Eastern Redcedar berries when I return later this month along with wild blackberries.